ENGLISH- Saturday


ZOOM class link:


1. Write SPEECH model below 

2. P. 51- 52 Prepare passage Unit 2  & work out its questions.

 Composition given on 10/2/24:

 Describe your favourite holiday location (Remember you can describe the surroundings & the local people, as well as the place)- Around 350 words. (It needs to be a well planned & researched piece of work)



Speech Writing model:

To celebrate the start of a special environmental project, a tree is being planted in your school ground. As secretary of the project committee, you are to make a speech to mark the occasion in front of the Principal, guests and students of the school. Write your speech and include details:

  what the environmental project hopes to achieve,

 why you think the project is important,

 how your audience could support the project.

You speech must be enthusiastic and informative.

“Principal, guests, teachers and fellow students,

I’m Alia Jacob and being the headgirl of the school, I’ll deliver a speech to mark the occasion of the special environment project.

Brrring! Can you hear that? It's the sound of a new beginning! Today, we're not just planting a tree; we're planting a seed of change, a green revolution right here in our school!

Imagine a world where every leaf whispers tales of sustainability, where every breeze carries the fragrance of environmental consciousness. That's the world we're striving to create through this special environmental project. We're not just planting a tree; we're sowing the seeds of a brighter, greener future!

But why is this project so important? Drum roll, please! Because it's not just about hugging trees (although tree hugs are always welcome). It's about embracing our responsibility as caretakers of our planet! We're tackling climate change, one sapling at a time and ensuring that future generations inherit a world worth living in!

Now, how can you support this epic endeavour? It's as easy as ABC - Always Be Composting! Join us in recycling, reducing waste and rallying for renewable energy! Whether you're a tree-hugger or just getting started on your eco-journey, there's a role for everyone in our green dream team!

So, let's dig deep, both metaphorically and literally and plant the seeds of change together! Let's show the world that when it comes to saving the planet, we're not just talking the talk; we're planting the trees and walking the walk!

Thank you and let's get our hands dirty for Mother Earth!


Directed Writing:

Formats for DIRECTED Writing...Click

Notes on Directed Writing...Click



A generous tycoon recently contributed to your club by injecting a large sum of money to make improvements to the leisure facilities and to buy more sports equipment.


As the chairman of the club, you have been asked to write a letter to him. In the letter you must:

thank him for the gift.

tell him how the leisure facilities have been improved.

tell him what sports equipment has been bought.

explain why the money was spent in this way.

invite him to come to the club to see the new facilities in use.


You may add further details if you wish.

Your letter should be written in clear, correct English. It should be a friendly letter, showing how pleased the club members are with the gifts.


Dear [Tycoon's Name],


On behalf of the entire club, I would like to express our deepest gratitude for your generous contribution to our club. Your gift has enabled us to make significant improvements to our leisure facilities and purchase new sports equipment, which has been a great boost to our members.


Thanks to your contribution, we have been able to renovate our swimming pool area, install new lighting and sound systems in our gym and upgrade our tennis courts. These improvements have made our facilities more attractive and comfortable for our members and we have received many positive comments from them.


In addition to the improvements, we have also purchased new sports equipment, including basketballs, footballs and badminton rackets. These new additions have allowed us to expand our range of activities and provide more opportunities for our members to stay active and healthy.


We spent the money in this way because we wanted to provide our members with the best possible facilities and equipment. We believe that by investing in our club, we can encourage more people to join and enjoy the benefits of an active lifestyle.


We would like to invite you to come to the club and see the new facilities in use. We are confident that you will be impressed with the improvements we have made and the positive impact they have had on our members.


Once again, thank you for your generous contribution. Your support has made a significant difference to our club and we are truly grateful.


Best regards,


[Your Name]


[Club Chairman]

Fill in the Blanks using words below:


1. Rory was thrown out of school because of his ................ behaviour.
2. The ....................... lion attacked the lost child in the forest.
3. They had a ................... over who was a better swimmer.
4. The magician .......................... his hand into his hat, and out came a rabbit.
5. A man was caught trying to ................... documents* that were top secret.
6. His .............................. was a man who was trying to win the heart of his girl.
7. The experienced chess player tried to keep his ...................... guessing.
8. The boy was ...................... by the fact that his parents had abandoned* him.
9. Whenever the skinny boy got into a fight he was the .....................
10. When some animals aren't fed on time they become very ..................
11. The ball was hit so hard that it went ................. down the field.
12. Five hundred men were killed in that ....................... battle

Ways of talking (copy vocabulary words & fill in the blanks)- You need use these words in essays as well.


Work out the following.



Competition can have several benefits, including:

1. Motivation: Competition can motivate individuals
to work harder and strive for excellence.
2. Improvement: Competition can help individuals
improve their skills and abilities as they work to
outperform their competitors.
3. Innovation: Competition can drive innovation as
individuals and organisations seek to develop new
and better ways of doing things.
4. Recognition: Competition can provide recognition
and rewards for individuals who excel in their field.

Examples of competitions for students include:

1. Science fairs: Students can compete in science
fairs to showcase their scientific knowledge and
2. Spelling bees: Students can compete in spelling
bees to demonstrate their spelling abilities.
3. Maths competitions: Students can compete in
Maths competitions to showcase their Maths skills.
4. Debate competitions: Students can compete in
debate competitions to demonstrate their ability to
argue and persuade.
5. Robotics competitions: Students can compete in
robotics competitions to showcase their engineering
and programming skills.

DOWNLOAD & prepare ORAL ENGLISH (first three):

ORAL English 2018.pdf

Write a story about some jewellery that went missing and describe how they were finally recovered.

Drops of rain were thumping hard against the frosted window panes. Inspector Lim was at the scene of crime. There had been a report of burglary at Mrs Brown’s bungalow at Emily Hill. Mrs Brown, a tall slim lady clad in an exotic gown, twisted the rare Carribbean bead necklace that she was wearing, as she narrated what had happened half an hour ago. “Well, it was awful. I was having dinner with some old friends, and while we were waiting for dinner to be served, someone broke into the library safe and stole my beloved jewels!”

“How many guests were there?” Inspector Lim asked. “Six. We were having a gathering to catch up on old times and to plan for a backpack trip together.” The policeman then asked, “When were you last in the library before the robbery? And when did you discover the jewels had been stolen?” “Well,” said Mrs Brown, frowning in concentration, “just before my friends came, I put some diamonds and rubies into the safe. Then, I went to the living room and chatted with my friends. Just before dinner, I decided to go back to the library to get the map for our next expedition. That was when I discovered that someone had broken into the safe and stolen all the jewels!”

“Do you think any of your guests could have done it? And was anyone else in the bungalow at that time?” the inspector queried further. Mrs Brown shook her head, “None of my friends could have done it. They are affluent themselves; they don’t need the diamonds. Oh yes, my two nephews were there. Alex was listening to records in the music room and Morris was playing snooker in the recreation room.

Inspector Lim examined the area and uncovered footprints in the mud leading from the recreation room to the library. They were probably left behind due to the wet weather. But things were not so simple. Why would Morris leave such clear evidence for the police? It seemed as if someone’s intent was making Morris the scapegoat. As he scrutinised further, he realised that Alex too, could have also left the music room and made his way to the library by climbing through the window.

Upon interrogation, Alex broke down and admitted that he was the one who had stolen the diamonds. He had put on some music and slipped in through the library’s window and took the jewels. He then deliberately wore Morris’s shoes and made clear footprints in the mud leading between the library and the recreation room.

Alex confessed, “My motive was not to steal the jewels for myself. I merely wanted to get Morris into trouble.” He felt his aunt had favoured Morris more than him, and longed for some of the family affection that Mrs Brown had showered on his brother. Mrs Brown, surprised at such a revelation, promised to treat both her nephews equally well, and made Alex give his word not to do such an imprudent thing again.

thumping = striking

clad = clothed

exotic = foreign

affluent = wealthy

scrutinised = examined closely, inspected thoroughly

revelation = disclosure, surprise secret made known.

imprudent = careless, heedless

Describe your best friend

(You need elaborate by giving examples of situations perhaps about him/her)

My best friend is someone who has been a constant source of support and encouragement in my life. Her name is Sarah, and we have been friends since we were in elementary school.

Sarah is one of the most kind-hearted people I know. She is always willing to lend a listening ear and offer advice when I need it. She has a way of making me feel better even on my worst days.

One of the things I admire most about Sarah is her work ethic. She is incredibly driven and always puts in 110% effort into everything she does. Whether it's school, work or her hobbies, she always strives to be the best she can be.

Despite her many accomplishments, Sarah remains humble and down-to-earth. She never boasts about her achievements or puts others down. Instead, she celebrates the successes of those around her and encourages them to keep pushing forward.

In addition to her many admirable qualities, Sarah is also a lot of fun to be around. She has a great sense of humor and always knows how to make me laugh. We share many common interests, such as hiking, traveling, and trying new food and we always have a blast when we're together.

Overall, Sarah is an amazing friend who has had a profound impact on my life. I am grateful for her friendship and look forward to many more years of laughter, adventure, and growth together.



            Good morning dear classmates. As you are aware, I have been given three choices of courses to choose from for our December vacation. In my opinion, the Life Saving Course, though certainly important in itself, must be omitted. The reason I have is very simple. Most of us have gone through at least some aspects of it. I also propose to omit the Health & Fitness Course  since most of us are physically fit, and those who are not fit have enough knowledge about how to get and stay fit without having to attend a course. My choice, and I am sure you will agree with me, is the Finance Management Course.

                 First of all, we have not been taught anything on this subject ever in our school life. Finance remains a bizarre (strange) subject to us. Except for some casual readings, our knowledge on the subject is sketchy (not thorough or detailed). If you look at some of the books on this subject, many of them have remained untouched. A formal course with a lot of simulated (reproduced the conditions of) exercises will give us a better understanding of the subject & encourage us to learn more about it.

                Secondly, I feel that it is important to learn as much as possible about financial management in order to lead successful lives. Many of  us come from middle class families and we know the consequences of poor money management. Knowledge of financial matters will give us the know-how to earn, save & invest our money wisely.

                I hope all of you will agree with me & support me in my suggestion to hold the Financial Management Course. I am convinced that many years from now, we will look upon as the first step we took to become successful.

Exercises 22.1-  22.4

Composition to submit next week: 

(in separate Composition copybook)

(Copy ideas first)

350- 400 words

(Copy below in the form of a table with 2 columns)

Onomatopoeic words

Sounds like their meaning.

Question 1: Choose correct word from above notes...

Question 2:


HOMEWORK: (Compound noun)

To copy & learn:



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